Friday, October 23, 2009

Sunday Brunch on Lafayette Square

On Sunday, the family met at Susie's beautifully restored home on Lafayette Square in St. Louis.

Our group poses in front of Susie's house on Mississippi.

Another form of the group at Lafayette Square park across the street. Pictured, front: Kari Miller, Nancy Ragan, Patty Fawcett, Louisa Forni & Ashley Kauffman kneeling, Sue Akins, Holly Pieper, Mickie Kauffman holding Katie & Logan Miller, Christy Kauffman, Porter Kauffman, Carrie Shook, Dana Pieper, Gary Pieper; rear: Ed McCann, Leslie Hail, Cameron Kauffman, Sally Shook, Jennifer Lasell, Kyle Pieper, Chris Hail, Mike O'Connor, Betsy Shook, Lowell Whiting, Blythe Soria, Andy Kauffman, Sara Hines, John Shook. Thank you to Chris Hail for identifying everyone, and Tom Fawcett for taking this photo.

Susie Kauffman Akins welcomes us to her home.

The family of Sewell and Mick Kauffman: Susie, Holly, Mick, Nancy, Kari, and Bob

Holly Kauffman Pieper's family: Kyle, Holly, Gary, and Dana.

Kari Miller, Gary Pieper, and Elizabeth Boone

The group walked down to the street to 2010 Rutger, the birthplace of the cousins' grandmother Caroline Wiegand Kauffman.

Cameron and Ashley Kauffman, offspring of Blair Kauffman.

William Porter Kauffman, his wife Kathy, and their daughter Christy.

Many thanks for pictures contributed by the reunion attendees, including Leslie Hail and Kathy Kauffman.

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